Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day of Deliverance

It ought to be commemorated, as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shews, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more.
John Adams

Our long national nightmare is over...
Gerald Ford

Hallelujah and woot woot! Strike up the band and cue the fireworks! I have received the remainder of my rewards from Fractured Dimensions' Infernal Minions of the Outer Planes Kickstarter. This comes two years to the day after the project's successful funding.

Pictured above are (L to R) a type IV demon, a type I demon, and the heads for two previously delivered type III demons. (Clearly Mr. Gygax had a thing for Roman numerals back in the Monster Manual days of yesteryear.)

With the exception of a little mold-slip on the type IV's extended right arm (very fixable I should think) the minis look outstanding. Of note too is the tiny, seperate, lower jaw of the one type III head (affixed to some masking tape in the picture).  Care will be needed not to loose that bit.

This lot joins the bulk of the rewards which can be seen here.


  1. Yay they look like nice minis. Looking forward to seeing you splash some paint on the suckers.

    1. I'm trying to make a dent in the FD section of the leadpile currently. The stuff from the KS is too nice not to paint.

  2. Two years to wait. My nerves wouldn't stand that length of time for worrying if something had gone wrong. Saying that though those bits of metal look rather nice.

    1. A shorter wait would have been nice but after my involvement in the Center Stage boondoggle I'm chalking this one up as a win.

  3. Cool! Hope its not for another two years that we mortals can buy the figures online :-) I pledged in Gamezones Heroquest 25 campaign - that was christmas 2013 - the delivery has been postponed again recently, now its going to be september 2015. Their communication is terrible, spanish messages once each half a year...

    1. I share your hope. My considerable haul is still only about half the stuff from the campaign.

      I feel your pain on the Gamezone front. For what it's worth, I've been in your shoes on other Kickstarters.

  4. Oh my, look at all the shiny metal! Can't wait to see what you do with it.

    1. Shiny metal, exciting and new! (My apologies to whoever wrote the theme to The Love Boat.)

  5. They look pretty sweet Finch. Looking forward to your superb treatment of them.

    1. They are definitely cool minis, Bob. Muller does not disappoint.

  6. That bird-like daemon looks like a Tzeentch Lord of Change. I am so looking forward to seeing you get that one done. I am thinking of dusting off some of my old GW chaos minis and doing an ode to the four gods of chaos and your stuff has been and continues to be an inspiration to my own work. Get to it man! :)

    1. I have my marching orders, it would seem. ;)

      If I was truly ambitious I'd paint Otherworld's type I demon at the same time. Same sculptor, same subject. Would make for an interesting side-by-side comparison.

  7. Finch---

    Any additional contact from Brette prior to your shipment shipping or arriving?


    1. Got two e-mails... one indicating that items would be shipped shortly, other indicating that they had been shipped.
