Saturday, July 25, 2015

PTS XI: Those Lowdown, Dirty, Bodak Blues

I'm back.

July has been something of a bust as far as painting/blogging goes. Can't let that continue. Here then are some WIP pics of the paint-table's current occupant: Fractured Dimensions' bodak.

Another gem from Paul Muller. That multi-horned skull-head is a thing of malevolent beauty.

The skin and kilt are pretty much done. Everything else (armor and leather mostly) needs further attention.

Chap-Stick: The official lip-balm of Minis by Finch

The Chap-Stick is used mostly for lubricating sculpting tools. Here the packaging serves as a reference when adjusting the picture's white-balance. The mini is mounted to a pin-vise which is mounted in turn to a Gatorade bottle.


  1. Fantastic looking miniature, Finch. That face really grabbed me. :)

    I just noticed that you've me included in your blogs of renown! Thank you! It however doesn't look like it's updated my content in a while. This is probably because I've since changed the address a tad. Still blogging away though!

    1. A face only a mother could love (and even she's having second thoughts). The mini actually came with two head options. The other one's quite good too.

      Your blog has been reacquired and returned to its rightful place among the blogs of renown.

  2. Oh my goodness, absolutely stunning Mr. Finch! That face is amazing and when you see it next to the chap stick you get a real sense of you tremendous skill - bravo Sir.

    1. You're very kind, sir. The face gave me a lot to work with... strong jawline, high cheekbones, deep-set eyes. Lends itself well to a contrasty undead/demonic treatment.

  3. Thats superb well done mate! Love that skin tone

    1. Thanks, Simon. A recipe I've used before: Reaper Military Blue & P3 Carnal Pink... followed by repeated washes.

  4. Gobsmackingly good stuff Finch. That skintone is staggering, truly staggering :-)

    1. Thanks, BK. Given my glacial painting-speed, the truly staggering part will come when I finish a mini in a timely manner. ;)

  5. That is one cool paint job! Top work.
    For the sake of completion: Vaseline for my lips [ran out of lip balm and we had some vaseline lip-stuff going spare]. Water for sculpting tool lubrication.

    1. Thank you, Roy. The Chap-Stick is especially handy when smoothing out the surface of green-stuff, I find.

  6. Oh right, I'll give that a try as I've had difficulties in the past. Cheers.

  7. A thing of beauty Finch! Awesome job dude.

  8. A thing of malevolent? Yes he is. Great work Finch.
