Saturday, January 31, 2015

PTS VII: Lantern Bearer

The lantern-bearer is next up for The Helping Hand Challenge. Ideally the mini would be finished today but it's still very much a work in progress.

Things were delayed somewhat by the need to catch up on the previous two months' subjects and my choice to modify the miniature a bit.

To see the work of the Challenge's more punctual participants, Check out Duke of the Blood Keep and Deviant Designs Deeds.

Some WIP pics:

Mini shimmed to stand slightly higher than base. Cork added.
Glack gesso on cork. Mini flush with base after sand is added.
Grey primer, black wash, drybrushed grey then white.

Arm position altered.
Lantern modified to hang vertically.
Deep recesses painted black.
I had to work today and tomorrow's a national holiday so this is turning into a lost weekend on the painting front. I shall press forward next week.

In closing: GO HAWKS!!


  1. Real life can sometimes alter the best laid plans dude! We must abide.
    Should be a great game, my sons a massive Patriots fan so there has been plenty of good natured ribbing already this week.

    1. The Deflatriots are big in Wales? Who knew?

    2. Saw a Patriots shirt at York today (Vapnartak wargames show). But there was two of us rocking Raiders shirts! [total coincidence, between me and a stranger]. I even overheard someone say, "Another NFL shirt" as I walked by :)

      The real sport played with a funny-shaped ball is on Friday, though. C'mon Wales!

  2. Nice progress and good to see your catching up :D.

  3. Sweet imagination and modeling skill in these conversions.

    1. Thank you, Jay. Cleaning up mold lines can be a drag, but otherwise I enjoy building minis as much as painting them.

  4. Looking good. I'm going to borrow the cork basing ... if I can find a piece of cork that is

    1. Thanks, Roy. I'm using drink coasters for the cork. A pack of six or eight is a lifetime supply of the stuff.

    2. Thanks for the info. I'll keep a look out for some next time I'm in town.

  5. I love the base's colors and texture, Finch: it very much as a "cold moon" vibe to me, which could work quite well for the xenomorphs on LV426 prior to there being more atmosphere---Alien vs. Aliens. I may have to try that out, and I think I have a few corks in the basement, too :D


    1. You've got a point. It does have a lunar look about it. It this case it's more of a tinted base coat as detailed here: . There's more paint to come.

  6. Simple yet effective work on the base. Looking forward to seeing you work on the leather too.

    1. Thanks, 4EM. The bits that are definitely leather have been painted two shades of brown. Not sure if the cowl is meant to be leather but I went with something more gaudy there.
