Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Fear and Flame

He's a Bad Mother... (Shut Your Mouth!)
Currently on the paint-table is Randall "The Saint" St James from Funky Skull Games; being recast here as an eye of fear and flame from the 1e Fiend Folio. Between its covers the Ol' FF has an overabundance of interchangeable robed skeletons. A little creative licence seems warranted.

Besides, the notion of your run-of-the-mill, pseudo-medieval adventurers bumping into a severely anachronistic, undead dungeon-pimp tickles my fancy.

Russ Nicholson rules
The sunglasses are more than mere fashion, as our friend, however re-imagined, needs to conceal his eyes until the last moment.

Color-wise, I'm trying to strike a balance between pimp-gaudy and undead-somber. Accordingly, a lot of grey has been mixed into the purple, pink, and yellow to tone them down. The pink shirt/pocket square combo may (or may not) be changed to something more fuchsia-ish. Time will tell. Leopard-spots are probably mandatory on the hat-band and jacket lining. 

The highlighting needs to be completed followed by a liberal application of washes for the shading. It's been a couple years since I last completed a miniature. This guy needs to be brought to a successful conclusion posthaste.  


  1. Well I didn't see this coming, but already hooked!

  2. Outstanding start, Finch. Love the palette :-)

  3. Really enjoying your blog Finch. I've added you to my watch list.

    1. Much appreciated, Chris. Checked out your blog and added it to my blogroll as well.

  4. That's certainly not a colourscheme I expected when I started reading your article :D. Great job thinking outside the box, I look forward to see him fully painted.

    1. Thanks, Wouter. Even undead pimps need flash threads IMO.

  5. The pimp-gaudiness of his suit and the undead-somberness of his skin tone is a great contrast.

    1. Thank you, Kuan. That's the effect I hope for.
