Sunday, August 28, 2016

A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight

It's been hot lately...  hot and humid actually, in the finest New Jersey Summer tradition. Without the benefit of air-conditioning, strapping an optivisor to my forehead and crouching over a sizzling hobby-lamp, brush in hand, quickly looses its appeal.

Yes, I'm attributing my recent hobby drought to global warming. It's very much in vogue to blame stuff on the scourge of climate change; seems right that I get with the times. Perhaps I should apply for a a government grant or some such thing.

That is not to say that no progress has been made on my never-ending project: Fractured Dimensions' Bearded Devils. In fact they're just about done:

Mostly touchups and some work on the bases remain.

To further pass the buck... Asslessman at Leadplague diverted me from the task at hand with a post about an app called Prisma.

The picture up top is a product of said app. Fun, simple, and impossible to put down once one gets rolling:

 For comparison's sake, the original WIP pic:

In other news, a package arrived yesterday from Mike at Mortal Arrow Miniatures:

Much more on that shortly.


  1. Gorgeous paint jobs when I get to the picture of the figures, but that first picture did have my thinking what the heck. It is a rather app though when I really take a look at the images.

    Rainy, grey and flash floods in my part of the North East of England. But then it is a holiday weekend and it always rains on a holiday weekend in the UK.

    1. Thanks, Roy. Send some of that rain our way, would you? We're currently in a drought.

  2. Breathtakingly good painting, Finch. The very best imho. I've some Bloodletters coming up and may try out the yellow highlights you've patiently onto these. Smashing posting, and good to see you've picked up that well-known blogging hook technique of the tease ;-) Whatever it is I know you'll make it look awesome!!

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I look forward to your Bloodletters.

      My cover's been blown on the tease, I fear. The box's contents have been identified a couple comments down... by the sculptor no less.

  3. Wow. They are truly stunning! Really impressive!

  4. You got some snails! Cannot wait to see what you do with them.😂

    1. Cheers, Pedro. Two very impressive minis. I hope to do justice to your work.

  5. Such a joy to see, fabulous work Mr. Finch - breathtakingly good.

  6. I've been working on some of my FD minis, too, Finch: I've been slowly assembling the Type IV demon (as well as the Type IV demon from Center Stage too). I'm working to mount both Type IVs on flying bases, as well. Have you worked on the Type IVs yet??---the CSM one in particular has pinning challenges with its wings....


    1. Hi, Allan.

      My support for CSM's Demon KS was very minimal. I don't have their Type IV (or much else beyond the night hag).

      I have FD's type IV but haven't worked on it yet.

      Fat, hulking demons with pitifully small wings displayed in-flight. I'm intrigued.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Replies
    1. They, and the rest of the minis from the ill-fated TOH & TOH II Kickstarters (by way of Pacesetter Games) actually arrived today. WooHoo!!!

    2. hehe. Brilliant to hear you've finally got ahold of them. Might I request you post some pics? I'll be waiting on mine for a few days more :P

  9. For such a red colour scheme they look absolutely stunning. Anyone other painter and the minis would be just a glob of red. But you've created so much depth for what would normally be a monotone colour scheme. Fantastic work!
