Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Dretch Test

I've painted one of the Fractured Dimensions Dretches as a test of the planned flesh-tone.  Sort of grey with yellowish green overtones. The result looks suitably unpleasant... almost waxy.

The markings on the hands and ears wound up a little more red than intended (almost like blood... not my intention). As demons are a chaotic bunch, I may vary the color, and possibly the location, of the markings on the other minis.

The paints used are shown below. Several different wash colors were used as well.


  1. Very nice indeed Finch. Lovely model and a cracking paint job. I appreciate it wasn't your intention but I like the blood red hands a lot. What a disgusting little creature :-)

    1. Thanks, BK. Little he may be, but a couple of the other minis in the group are even smaller.

  2. Very spooky ghoulish skin tones here. This tempts me so much more than all of the recent GW Nurglish bits. This looks like a sickly demon should look, and I agree with Blaxkleric- the blood red hands and bits around the ears is a very nice spot point.

    1. Most of GW's current offerings don't impress me either. I like the red too. Intend to keep the basic skin tone and vary the contrasting colors on the remaining minis.

  3. 1st Dretch I've ever seen. He is one hilarious gruesome being! Nice painting.

    1. Thank you. He's nasty and pathetic at the same time.

  4. Looks great! I like the skintone and the red hands. The hands make me think of the creature with eyes in his hands on El Fauno.

    1. One of the better creatures of recent cinema.

  5. Cool stuff Finch ... I think the reddish hues on the hands make the mini look better, just my opinion ... and thanks for sharing the paints you used.

    1. You're right, I think. A little splash of color is needed. I've varied the shade of purple a bit on some of the remaining minis but kept the location of the markings consistent.

  6. Fantastic work! The dark eye sockets add to the effect. Agreed that the wine-colored highlights bring out the ears and hands nicely. Looking forward to seeing the other four in this series fully painted.

    1. Much appreciated, MortalArrow. I should be able to finish these guys this weekend.
